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Aynsley Girardeau, O.D.

Meet the Doctor of Mint Hill Eye!

Dr. Girardeau is from the small town of Americus, GA, where she was raised in a medical family. From a young age she observed the importance of quality patient care and developed an early passion for healthcare. Dr. Girardeau attended the University of Georgia and graduated with a B.S. in Biology. She later went on to the University of Alabama Birmingham, where she received her doctorate in optometry. Upon graduation, she was honored with the Nowakowski Ocular Disease and Co-management Award. UAB optometrists as well as ophthalmologists in the area chose her for this award for her thorough care in the areas of ocular disease management and co-management.

She was then accepted into the Primary Care and Ocular Disease Residency Program at the WG Hefner VAMC in Salisbury, NC. Furthering her expertise during residency, she received training from specialists in the areas of primary care, retinal disease, glaucoma, uveitis, and anterior segment. One of her personal highlights is having the experience of caring for over 30 WWII veterans during the course of her residency. Next, she was employed as an associate at an ophthalmology clinic, where she honed in on her disease knowledge.

Upon moving to North Carolina for residency, she immediately fell in love with the city of Charlotte and it’s metro surround. Mint Hill is the perfect location for her vision of a full-scope optometry clinic. Her down to earth patient care approach can be felt in the exam room and ultimately led her to open her own private practice. She believes in staying true to her roots by providing genuine, small-town eye care while bringing big city technology and training to the city of Mint Hill.

Dr. Girardeau enjoys staying active and spending time outside. Her hobbies include scuba diving, playing golf, water skiing, running, and traveling. She is excited about the community of Mint Hill and looks forward to meeting you!